Tea with the Muse
Tea with the Muse
OMG! 😳 My huge breakthrough

OMG! 😳 My huge breakthrough

On the Somatic Chemistry and Neuroplasticity of Change!!!! Woohoo!

Painting on my easel

Good morning community! If you’ve been following this podcast and our upcoming course announcements for Abracadabra, you know I’ve been centering a lot of my communications on making change. I study the alchemy of change, literally, so that I can support people in suffering less and creating the lives that they dream Are possible, and being able to make impact in the world that matters to all of us. I watch the struggle over and over as people attempt to visualize a different outcome from their day-to-day reality. I often point out the serious issues with the regular teachings on manifestation. In this podcast, I’m going to outline the three biggest issues with the current manifestation teachings and then I’m gonna present for the first time, my theory, so that we can actually create a change that guides us towards making things happen.

We need to stop creating affirmations of realities that haven’t happened yet. We need to enter the present moment to look at the day today, reality and then from the present Moment, do the work to gain insight needed to create the changes that we want. We can’t just wait for the universe to drop the solution on our doorstep. We are creators.

This introduces what I’ve discovered and I’m really excited about it. I honor as Equinox Weekend! And our class are your class starts today if you wanna join us the doors are open and there are still a few partial scholarships available!


Shiloh Sophia

Paint with me for a year

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Tea with the Muse
Tea with the Muse
Encouraging stories, images, poetry, inquiries and dares from the Muse at Intentional Creativity®