Tea with the Muse
Tea with the Muse
Thresholds for Equinox

Thresholds for Equinox

New poem from this morning light + Join us for Ceremony + What can we count on?

Painting in Process - Animystica - Cura Archetype

Good Morning Muses!

I woke up smelling the change in the air and the seeing the light shifting towards this coming Equinox, officially on the 22nd at 5:43 am pst. For those in the Northern Hemisphere we turn towards Autumn. For those in the Southern Hemisphere we turn towards Spring. On September 18 we have a partial Lunar Eclipse visible from Mexico, Canada and the United States. The moon is 97percent full as of this moment and will be full in one day and 11 hours and 38 minutes.

There are things we can count on, at least for now. We can count on the moons relationship to the sun….let us honor that relationship.

I would love to be someone in your life you can count on to bring you insight and inspiration…I would love for our community at MUSEA and the Cura Council (our ceremonial branch) to provide a place of continuity and compassion. I would love for Intentional Creativity to provide a consistent go-to practice for you to be nourished by. Our community is going to be here for you, this is our sacred assignment.

I would be ever so grateful to invite you to join us for a ceremony we have coming up is September 21 at 10am pst. Yes it’s another Substack and yes there are scholarship free levels available. Here are the details.

The Cura Council
Equinox Water Ceremony 9/21
Equinox Water Ceremony on September 21, 2024 10:00-11:30 pst - Via zoom - Reminders will be sent to Subscribers of The Cura Council. The 8 Ceremonies a year are complimentary via instant scholarship through subscribing. Those who can contribute help to make it possible to bring you these offerings…
Read more

The Substacks (Tea with the Muse, The Cura Council, and Gold Mind) we offer provide more immediate messaging in real time. Like today’s poem just landed this morning so it is freshy-fresh.

I also have a complimentary class coming up on Friday, Attunement Manifestation.


for Equinox 

There are these 

strange quiet cycles

where one life is completing

and the new one 

is just beginning

There, in the in-between

Then it is time to nap under

the giant oak 

with the first yellow leaves

of this season

and listen from inside

There are these

loud chaotic patterns

where who you were

isn't matching who you are becoming

and there is just so much noise

to stay the same 

But you can't
There in the spaces between spaces

Then it is time for you to sit in ceremony

listening to the wild geese moving

and the last of the pink cosmos

blooming and blowing

in a fresh wind from the South

There are these 

dances that can only take place

at a crossroads

Dances for change that are 

rhythmic and restless 

Moving at the center of

the many directions and decisions

Some that you think you want and 

some you do not

you have outgrown your old life

Yet the path has yet to appear

Then it is time 

to slow way down, 

to lay down right there

in the discomfort of the crossroads

Where you have always just

danced for your life, for survival

to keep going no matter what

Just Slow Down

The changing of the light

will point you in the right direction

when the time is ready
It is not your concern

how long this cycle will last

Many moons and eclipses

have already come and gone

After a time you will pick up

not where you left off 

but somewhere new

Will you trust this?

Just as you trust the green

hills to turn gold and

then to green again? 

This is what we do,

we Earth, we change

and we keep changing

crossing the thresholds

at each point of this

sacred wheel turning

Turning turning turning

towards center

turning towards you


Thinking of you as I am about to have morning cafe with kitties,

Shiloh Sophia

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Tea with the Muse
Tea with the Muse
Encouraging stories, images, poetry, inquiries and dares from the Muse at Intentional Creativity®