Greetings everyone! In order to achieve attunement when you are creating your world with your word to yourself, there needs to be reciprocity. There is an often missed piece about the energy exchange of gathering and giving.
For manifestation to be attuned and good for you and for all - the energy of giving and receiving in a sacred exchange is actually essential or there is mis-alignment. How do we condition our bodies to create in the fullness of our being-ness?
To get into the optimal condition, we need to work with a collaborative idea - Nervous System Reciprocity
In today’s episode, I’m going to relate giving and receiving to the nervous system function
The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system aren’t a division but a collaboration
You can consciously choose a different trauma response if you knew there was one available, there is
Invitation to understand how these systems are influencing your capacity to create what you want
I hope you find it useful, I am no expert but am stretching to understand how to make things come to life in my life and support you in yours.
Shiloh Sophia
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