Tea with the Muse
Tea with the Muse
What is most important “law” of the universe??? What's your guess?

What is most important “law” of the universe??? What's your guess?

Live class today! Come see

Hello Beautiful fellow Tea with the Musers!

I am in the studio today getting my material ready for today’s complimentary class - and here are some of my thoughts on

  • The MOST important “law” - what do you think it is?

  • How we can begin to be in relationship with this law or condition.

  • The repair we need and why

  • Reclaiming the Matrix and getting what it is for us

  • How this connects with manifestation and extraction

  • Yearlong Course link: Abracadabra!! $1000 savings through 9/1 at midnight

  • Complimentary class today - instantly recorded so watch this weekend anytime!!

    Thanks for tuning in - love to hear your thoughts!!


    Painting in process for Animystica - my exotic inner wildnerness re-wilding and re-oning with the universe

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Tea with the Muse
Tea with the Muse
Encouraging stories, images, poetry, inquiries and dares from the Muse at Intentional Creativity®