Here’s what I wrote after meditating on your question.
“No pieces are missing. Everything belongs. Fear nothing. Respect what I fear. I accept it all. I’m loving it all, allowing the tricksters to be in the resonate field and tending the one in myself. I am getting to know the trickster that exists in me. It’s my wild twin, my inner critic turned ally. This ally relationship is a work in progress in my heart and resonate field. I’m envious of tricksters I know who make 6-figure salaries.”
I’m envious of the large followings and communities they created on social media that provide them with abundant incomes through their trickster personas and products.
I’m not envious of the kind of people they’re selling to or the language they use to attract attention. I’m not envious of their aesthetics.
I’m envious that they continue to gain traction and grow their followings by being trickster influencers which fortifies their business successes, generating more revenue.
I’m envious that they get attention and have support by standing for things and propagating things that I feel aren’t healthy although what they’re selling presents as healthy.
I want these gains: to create community and a place to express myself and teach online with a thriving, growing social media following of beloveds and as a result, financial abundance.
I want to enjoy the prosperous rewards of offering my sacred work while being unabashedly audacious and making it happen.
I want my voice to be heard and to flourish financially as a result of my influence and persona, and to receive payment for what I have to say and offer the world.
Why not me?!?! I deserve it, I’m enough, I matter. I’m brave, I’m heart-centered, I’m confident. What’s missing?
My mom taught me to turn envy into action and to acquire for myself that which I envy in others. I’m ready to take action. What do I need to make this happen for me? 💖
This is authentic source material for Gold Mind ☀️
I LOVE and appreciate this conversation and your question for us? I have an idea of what the trickster archetype is from the Medicine Woman tarot deck by Carol Bridges and her wonderful accompanying book.
I found the following online and am posting its source for credit. Does this jive with your idea of the trickster? It resonates with me.
“In modern psychology 'Trickster' is often used to refer to a universal force or pattern within the mind — what Jung called an archetype — that represents the irrational, chaotic, and unpredictable side of human thought and behaviour.[2] This aspect of the mind is contrasted with the logical, analytical, and intellectual side that values order, precision, and control. According to the tenets of depth psychology, a balance between these two vectors of the psyche is required for optimal mental heath. When either the rational or irrational side dominates, self correcting forces come into play to restore some semblance of harmony between the two. The countless Trickster tales describe how this process plays itself out in everyday life.
The Trickster operates largely outside conscious awareness but always from within the human mind. We are the Trickster; and when we describe Trickster phenomena we are always describing aspects of ourselves. Thus the Trickster has been called a speculum mentis: a mirror into the mind.”
Here’s what I wrote after meditating on your question.
“No pieces are missing. Everything belongs. Fear nothing. Respect what I fear. I accept it all. I’m loving it all, allowing the tricksters to be in the resonate field and tending the one in myself. I am getting to know the trickster that exists in me. It’s my wild twin, my inner critic turned ally. This ally relationship is a work in progress in my heart and resonate field. I’m envious of tricksters I know who make 6-figure salaries.”
I’m envious of the large followings and communities they created on social media that provide them with abundant incomes through their trickster personas and products.
I’m not envious of the kind of people they’re selling to or the language they use to attract attention. I’m not envious of their aesthetics.
I’m envious that they continue to gain traction and grow their followings by being trickster influencers which fortifies their business successes, generating more revenue.
I’m envious that they get attention and have support by standing for things and propagating things that I feel aren’t healthy although what they’re selling presents as healthy.
I want these gains: to create community and a place to express myself and teach online with a thriving, growing social media following of beloveds and as a result, financial abundance.
I want to enjoy the prosperous rewards of offering my sacred work while being unabashedly audacious and making it happen.
I want my voice to be heard and to flourish financially as a result of my influence and persona, and to receive payment for what I have to say and offer the world.
Why not me?!?! I deserve it, I’m enough, I matter. I’m brave, I’m heart-centered, I’m confident. What’s missing?
My mom taught me to turn envy into action and to acquire for myself that which I envy in others. I’m ready to take action. What do I need to make this happen for me? 💖
This is authentic source material for Gold Mind ☀️
Deepest gratitude for this beautiful listen. So much love and blessings flow through your voice.
I LOVE and appreciate this conversation and your question for us? I have an idea of what the trickster archetype is from the Medicine Woman tarot deck by Carol Bridges and her wonderful accompanying book.
I found the following online and am posting its source for credit. Does this jive with your idea of the trickster? It resonates with me.
“In modern psychology 'Trickster' is often used to refer to a universal force or pattern within the mind — what Jung called an archetype — that represents the irrational, chaotic, and unpredictable side of human thought and behaviour.[2] This aspect of the mind is contrasted with the logical, analytical, and intellectual side that values order, precision, and control. According to the tenets of depth psychology, a balance between these two vectors of the psyche is required for optimal mental heath. When either the rational or irrational side dominates, self correcting forces come into play to restore some semblance of harmony between the two. The countless Trickster tales describe how this process plays itself out in everyday life.
The Trickster operates largely outside conscious awareness but always from within the human mind. We are the Trickster; and when we describe Trickster phenomena we are always describing aspects of ourselves. Thus the Trickster has been called a speculum mentis: a mirror into the mind.”