Tea with the Muse
Tea with the Muse
The Tenth Muse and Black the Color of New Beginnings
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -7:03

The Tenth Muse and Black the Color of New Beginnings

Opening Invocation blurring the lines of sensuality and creativity + Course starting at midnight!

New Year Course

The Tenth Muse and

the Midnight of New Beginnings

The Muse is at the back door of your heart

She opens it without a sound

and enters in with bare feet covered in red dirt

She holds all the colors in her nimble fingers

She strokes you gently

You feel the colors blending

She causes your wild animals to stir

Your body is filled with

the passion of sunset orange

the melancholy of blue sky turning pink

the longing green of soft moss after too much rain

She opens you to magenta with a kiss on your open lips

You can feel it all the way inside the wilderness of you

A pulse, a power, a paint color you can’t even see

A pulse, a power, a paint color

In the depth of your forest your animals awaken

Your black bear blinks

and nurses her cub with white milk in a pink cave

Your tiger roars from deep within the stone enclosure

and moves out solo onto ochre soil to hunt

Your swan chooses a mate forever, opalescent feathers flowing

But it’s the snake that surprises you, she always does

She is licking the air

testing to see if you are paying enough attention

The Muse always brings her own weather

Are you paying enough attention?

You have a crush on the Muse and for good reason

Even your wild animals are no match for her colors

As you accept from her open hand,

the color bone black, you shiver

It’s the black you know you need to use now

to paint your bear!

You are afraid, and rightly so

She wants you to go deeper,

to go darker into that cave

She wants you to drink her milk

To suckle the teat of life

She wants you to renew yourself

She is here to help you

She is here to help you

You don’t really like the word help.

but that is what she is here to do

She is wielding brushes of hog hair,

magic wands to make your worlds awaken

You aren’t sure you want to be that awake

You don’t know if you are ready

The soft brush she uses on your arm,

the hair from some exotic animal long ago

It’s the brush from Paris in the shape of a ram’s horn

It is the horn itself

She is smoothing the hairs as you begin to breath rapidly

What exactly is she inviting you into anyway?

The lines of creativity and sensuality blur and blend

Your heart stirs as your thighs turn to liquid

The tiger leaps ahead, her black stripes blinding orange

The swan’s open black beaks to make babies with red nostrils

The snake is the color of midnight with a pink tongue

You smooth the canvas with an open palm

You kiss the fibers and you breathe a prayer

You dip the brush into liquid black with flecks of gold and

You begin

You just begin again and again and again

The Tenth Muse,

The Muse of Painting and Pleasure has visited you

You are covered in black fur and white feathers

You have your own pink tongue to flick

You begin You

The Midnight of New Beginnings

Is upon you

Begin beloved with honoring

What makes you come fully alive

Where do you come more fully alive?

This is the place to begin the painting of your life

The Muse is at the back door of your heart

She opens it without a sound and enters in

with bare feet covered in red dirt

You aren’t exactly sure what she is inviting you into

But you just say YES, YES and YES!


Happy New Year Dear Hearts!

This is an excerpt from the book, Wishbone Tattoo.

Blessings on your new beginnings.

Those of you in Temple, this is your Invocation to the MUSE.

Starting my new year at the Beach, and yes, it is warm enough for bare feet.

Love me some California.


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