Tea with the Muse
Tea with the Muse
Cosmic Pilgrims Poem
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -3:15

Cosmic Pilgrims Poem

And the most essential question for these times…

We are cosmic pilgrims

You are an ancient identity

I see you,

do you see me,

seeing you?

You are

inhabiting a luminous garment

of stardust framed upon crystal bones

traveling on a forested spaceship

at over 100,000 Kilometers per hour

spiraling through our Milky Way galaxy

on a mysterious voyage

without a map or destination

woven within a pattern of stars

keeping time with the moon


isn't it wonderous

to have our own moon?

That travels with us always?

You, We, Us

Are powered by an incandescent star

Our glorious sun, we worship you still

You light up our vessels of stars and water

with the sacred geometry

of your luminous nature

Am I so different

than this blooming tree?

This hummingbird,

could very well be me

We are encoded with a tender

and temperamental psyche

living within a story

we won’t be able to control

Each of us

carrying unique hidden information

that longs to be expressed

in the shape of a living myth

our hidden gifts looking for

ways to reveal themselves

through us

You are dreamed and designed

by gracious Infinite Intelligence

to have an Illuminated heart

capable of ever-expanding poetry

in a seemingly impossible situation

Darling you are a cathedral of light!

I worship at the foot of your altars

Flowers bloom where you have danced

I fall breathless into your potentials

Finding place, pace and grace

in your moon-kissed face

We don't know how we got here

We don't really know

where we are going now

But we know this

Love is at the center

Love is at the center

Love is at the center

of the Universe

We are cosmic pilgrims

You are an ancient identity

at the crossroads of

an uncertain future

Will you cross the threshold with me?

Shiloh Sophia

Revisioned Poem today adapted from the original in 2021

Oh my friends, my friends! I would love nothing more than to take a long walk with you, holding hands and talking. I want to hear from you - not just what you post when your mad, or glad, but instead the early morning joys and fears. The things you don't say at the luncheon with colleagues or the dinner table with family. I want to know about the words on the shingle you don't put out about the gifts you really have for these wild times.

You could describe me as a painter, a poet, a relucant priestess. But those aren't my real titles. The gifts I have don't work on a business card, can't be put into an algorithm, can't be seen with a machine mind looking deeply into my online history.

Who I really am is who I am when I am when I am with you. Whether that is over a cuppa virtual or in person tea with the Muse. Or most especially when I am leading ceremony and I can feel you through the black hole of the camera. My real gifts are feelings. Feeling deeply. I don't care if you know that, or if the machine knows that. You can't use it against me and I know you wouldn't even try. I am a Lover. The universe is my Lover. Like Michael Jackson says, I'm a lover, not a fighter.

The kinds of gifts we carry cannot be taken from us by wit or force or password or pressure. Your truest gifts are natural and innate - they are all innately tucked into who you are. You don't have to grow them, earn them or be certified in these gifts. You are the gifts being given through you. The pace of life, and the never-ending intensity can keep us from living them. But that doesn't mean they aren't within you.

We are worried about a lot of things right now. I know. I feel it. I see it. I am tracking the many narratives on all sides of the shadow dance of now. There is a grand confluence occuring and it hurts. By grand I don't mean great, I mean BIG. Most days it feels like an unnatural disaster that could have been avoided. But the way we are, the harm we allow and promote, has been going on for so long. No way out but through, you know?

But now that I have offerd a poem and a reflection if you have made it THIS far - I want to ask you the MOST SIGNIFICANT question or our life time. Your lifetime. Any recent timeline.

But first...the reality is we have been in various stages of oppressive culture for close to 8,000 years - archeologically speaking. So that means we spend A LOT, get that? A LOT of precious life force working on resistance and insistence. Resisting power structures, resisting false narratives, insisting on justice, insisting on human rights. The energy it takes to resist and insist can keep us caught in the worrisome battle of a disgruntled activists. Present company included.

Just for now...for right this minute in the naked now, I want to ask you a question. Don't skip ahead please. Pause and breathe. There.....close your eyes....open them...read the question and without thinking....answer without editing....

If you weren't in the resistance

How would you lead your life?

Really - if you didn't have to confront reality - how would you use your precious days?

Liberate your thoughts through falling in love with your gifts, when they are in service to beauty as WELL as in service to the modern revolutionary conundrums.

I have been living my answer to that question for over 30 years. I Trust that question and the community that has risen up around my answering that question. That doesn't mean I don't still persist in the resistance. What it means is I spend the majority of my life force centering on the joy of my heart, not the pain. I have rescued my energy from the grid of oppression. Which then works towards liberating my community as well.

so here’s the thing. I’m not saying to step out of the resistance in any way -, what I am saying is to make sure you spend time caring for your own gifts. There is a long journey ahead and we’re going to need our strength.

Your fellow cosmic pilgrim


Shiloh Sophia

Aka Laughing Cloud

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