writing a memoir can be such a trip (literally & figuratively) down the proverbial Memory Lane, where one finds hidden gems of Life hiding under or within other recollections. leaving a written legacy of a life well-lived is a gift to those who have enjoyed and loved being with an author who has always embraced what has been delivered. and so cleansing of lingering emotions and doubts..... this is a task worth offering to your community as part of a training. in writing my own (and it is ongoing), i have learned so much about my forebears, the other folks i have had the privilege to meet and sometimes get to know, and especially about my Self.

Thank You once again for stepping into the role of modeling for others what could be a deeply powerful and rewarding exploration of individuality, choice, & consequence (both intended and unintended) in this world.

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This is so exciting, Shiloh! I love that you are speaking your story, and allowing it to take shape in its own way, on its own timeline 💛.

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I would love to be part of this. I’m here listening. You can do this Shiloh! How awesome ❤️

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Oooooo, so juicy—-love, go for it, Shiloh💓

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O JOY! I am so excited to hear about your further adventures, Beloved!! Thank you for doing this!! oxo

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Oh my goodness Shiloh, this is wonderful. I love your words and how you say them. Thank you. You are amazingly generous. For the past 3 months or so I often wake up at 3:00 am to 4:30 am. I'm not sure why, but I'm just flowing with it. I love spending time with your recordings during this quiet dark peaceful time. I look forward to your 100 day journey and I am here for the ride.

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Wow that was a wonderful beginning. Love it!

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