Dear Ones,
This photo was taken yesterday as I went for a walk. I had just finished a four hour live stream for my new course, the Quickening and I wanted to rest my eyes and my body in what I call a long view. For me a long view allows my eyes to rest way into the distance and usually involves no wires in front of me. I’m taking responsibility for my life force.
I am continually choosing points of beauty and respite. To rest from my labors and also to rest from thinking about so many of the things we were navigating right now. Our brains and hearts need rest.
The idea presented here about choosing to respond instead of react, is something I learned when I was 23 years old from Sue Hoya Sellars, my art Matriarch. I will never forget the day She proposed the idea to me that my activism could be a response instead of a reaction.
This very brief podcast is an invitation to
Choose to respond instead of react
Rescue your energy and life force from distraction and reaction
Consciously choose your relationship to what’s happening around you
Engage with responsibility
love ❤️
Shiloh Sophia
Ps I hope you choose some time for you this weekend. And if you wanna join us on Monday for our day, long event visit
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