Thank you, Shiloh, I feel this feeling of not having the love and guidance we needed from our fathers, yet loving them still. You are so inspiring. xx

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Thank you for sharing this time of your life I hope it helped you heal . We all seem to have skeletons in our life’s closets . It is good to air them , release and heal . Lots of respect to you Estela Boudreau

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Thank you so much for sharing these memories with us Shiloh.

Healing reverberating outwards towards everyone…The power of telling our stories, woven like threads in a big tapestry of Life.✨

…And I’ve been literally weaving while listening! It happened quite magically…and this combination of listening and weaving is helping me heal aspects of my challenging relationship with my father, also an addict, who had passed on. Gratitude to you for opening up these feelings, memories, experiences…💜

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