Dear Ones,
For the next hundred days or so I will be publishing audio chapters of my illustrated Memoir-in-the-Making of a Cosmic Cowgirl. Those who subscribe will get an email in your inbox letting you know when a new episode is ready. Each one is attempting to be 10-13 minutes long and will be best enjoyed with a cuppa and your own journal.
The Cosmic Cowgirl in me is hijacking the Tea with the Muse Substack! Better call the she-sheriff!
As we go along I am making a digital and hard copy book and will offer all investing subscribers a pdf of the finished book and a complimentary ticket to the book release event, hopefully in February. I appreciate the paid subscriptions as exchange of energy for those who choose - but it will remain free and open to all. Artists, poets, musicans and storytellers, no matter how rich and famous - all feel seen when you throw a tip into the jar when you have enjoyed the experience.
I hope there is something in here for you - yet this time, I am doing it for me :) BUT I have you in mind, so that my story isn’t lost from our lineage. I think my story matters, at least I am trying to believe it does, because my story ignites the stories of other women and is evidence of radical generosity alive and well.
#Mattering Matters ~ Caron McCloud
With love and stardust,
here we go. A Memoir in 100 days. Giddddy UP!
Shiloh Sophia
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