Wow!!! For most of my life my self-image has been non existent. I have always felt inadequate and even tried to convince myself I needed to drop out of this program. Many excuses surfaced - can't afford it, you were stupid to do this, you won't retain anything....And then something happened. I woke up in the middle of the night with a vision. I saw myself - the real me - inside a cage. It was like a jail cell. I realized that I have been hiding in this cell afraid to come out. And then I noticed the door was open. I'm still afraid to come out even with the door open so for now I am still there. My intent is that as I continue to listen to tea with the muse and participate fully in the Temple workshop I will step out of the cage with my head held high. Thank you for this opportunity. I can see a glimmer of light. I may still be in Plato's cave but not for much longer.

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Yes!!!!! This!!!!!

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Blessing myself with so much gratitude for the way my temple is and deeply wanting to support its presence, appearance, health and function. I accept its weaknesses, its strengths and its space for expansion and I continually beam it with much love.

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I’m sitting on the biscuit. ❤️

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SO MUCH THIS!! Will you teach me the Viva la Vulva handshake??!? ❤️

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Of course!!!

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