What cuts through noise but silence? These are lot of noise out there coming at us. The conditioning is to get louder to be heard. Louder in terms of frequency and volume. I hear you have been screaming and realizing on some level that’s not working for you. In the big picture of what’s going on in the outer world, we’re witnessing the escalation of screaming and how destructive it is. Witnessing you not wanting to participate in this paradigm.

When you whisper, we lean in even more. When your voice is soft, we wrap in tighter. Much love and gratitude for sharing and modeling that there is another way. We can’t find it because it doesn’t exist yet. We are creating it. It is becoming.

I hear you. I’m in the same river with you. Different boat, same river. Business as it was is not sustainable. We’re creating something new that’s born of vibration, the naam sound current, the unplucked string. ⭕️

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Yes yes yes

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Witnessing you ❤️. I hear you and understand your words. I’m in tears too as I witness your revelation. I’m on board and my brain and body is always taking all this in as I build my new business. What came to me as you spoke: “you make me a better teacher” and “we are here to do this differently”. I don’t have all the answers… but I believe WE do! Love you so much Laughing Cloud 🥰

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AI art can be see. As one of the greatest forms of appropriation of sacred human created art. It is also extracting from an aggregate of human made images of women that have mostly been created by men, as women are not yet well represented in the arts or canon of the arts, or in digital graphic design, which is what AI is drawing from for its ‘machine learning’ that it creates images from. So misrepresentation of women can still be perpetuated in AI.

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And this is why I’m so glad we’re here in TEMPLE together to put into the world our images of women!! 💖

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Shiloh. Thank you for sharing your vulnerability and your strength and vision to innovate Musea.

What’s happening with AI reminds me of what happened when cameras were developed and painters innovated their painting approach. I join you in the paradigm shift we’re creating. Brightest blessings to all of us as we find our voices and the voice of Musea.

See you in class!!

This is iCreateNow in my solarium looking at the sky through tree boughs. The sky is a pale grey, almost white canvas. I’m grateful that the sky feels calm, grounding, and soothing. 💖

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Mmmm. Thank you. Yes. You will not play that game. Witnessing this. ⭕️

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Listening and witnessing your words gives strength to my own vulnerability and desire to be truly authentic. The human touch is an integral and essential part of all we do and bring to the world. Technology and AI is not a comfort zone for me. Hearing your words has helped me understand the reason. Thank you.

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Vulnerability and power are 2 sides of the same coin. When you led Talisman in COW 2018, I wrote on my canvas “I am vulnerable and powerful enough to hold space for us both”. It’s 2023 and that painting is still working it’s magic on me.

You’re vulnerability and grounded humility is a superpower. Stay the course. (As if you wouldn’t LOL).

I see you. I hear you. I witness you. I am standing in the Temple with you, asking the same questions in my own way. It has been Innanas Descent for me since Talisman and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I cherish it all. And I feel like you’re saying the same thing in your way.

Rise sister. When you’re ready, rise. I will watch you rise.

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The power of vulnerability in action my love...so feel this and the power of having all those step in alongside you - beauty. I have had so much of this in the last few moons in my own community as i surfed a deep illness - and it has been so humbling and so deeply nourishing... loving all of this...

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Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am deeply moved by your sharing, of the modelling of a way of being where vulnerability resonates with power and strength. Your feelings about our modern society and the ‘pushing’ of AI echoes my own. Yes some images are beautiful, but it makes my blood run cold. May we be shown the way to navigate these waters. So it is, blessed be, it is so. ❤️🌹❤️Xxx

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first, let me say your current voice reminds me of the voice of Edith Piaf, who was also true to her Self in her later years (having to overcome the challenges of a tough life) as she sang passionate songs of life, love and loss. You, Shiloh, speak in a singsong voice at times, always passionate about life and love, and you do not shy away from ideas of loss. Rather they are incorporated into the paradigm of IC, because it is an instrument of finding passion for life through the longing Creation has for expression.

There will be a way to go forward, as Deborah says below, and i believe it has something to do with the willingness to be unapologetically authentic and motivated by the willingness to stay in the moment, feel the longing, and move toward that which is the gap between the wave and particle- that instant of not knowing, that universal black hole in consciousness where there is no thing, no answer, no knowing, the birthplace of unintended consequences. i believe you know innately that place can send one down many roads. And i also believe when one chooses from the authentic Self, the consequences inevitably work themselves out positively. Be You- You are just who the World needs you to Be.

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I'm only half way through listening to this and my cheeks are already wet!! It was an AMAZING experience. LOVELOVELOVE!!

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I am so very moved by your words, your voice, your clarity, Shiloh. Again & again I see how all is connected: body & spirit. earth & our bodies which are earth. bodies & stardust always touching spirit. attention & intention & inspiration. how Gaza touches our hearts. how the Wild Geese soaring then landing on the lake feed my soul. I am grateful to be here with you all!

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