I have always felt strong and healthy boundaries when observing you and your relationships with us. It is a big part of what inspired me to stick around and keep learning from you, as I knew I would need this to do my work. On the topic of emotions and numbing, I was talking to my daughter yesterday about the old idea that a woman’s womb would wander around her body causing all kinds of havoc and that’s why men said they couldn’t be leaders and bosses as they would be too emotional. My daughter said they were having a talk in her Social Studies 11 class about woman leaders and male students were still bringing up emotion as a reason women wouldn’t make great leaders! Ugh 😩

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It occurs to me that so much of humanity has been conditioned to numb itself through alcohol, food, drugs, social media, the news, binge watching tv because we have been taught to NOT feel. We’ve been taught to separate body from mind and give mind the throne. I think therefore I am kind of thinking. Body vibrates at the relaxed alpha frequency- same as Nature- so disconnecting from body we are disconnected from Nature. When we are not connected to it, we stop caring… think it doesn’t matter. We don’t realize it is giving us life literally. Trees and plants are creating oxygen for us to breathe, food for us to eat, beauty for us to enjoy. Since body is the mediator between spirit and soul, and we no longer have access to body bc we’re living as the mind alone, now we’re cut off from spirit, soul, anything bigger than our separate selves. Most people don’t talk about soul numbness but it feels so relevant to this conversation. Thank you as always for loving and sharing.

Hope you enjoyed your champagne and macaroons and are resting well in cool white sheets. Love you!

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I love this transmission and writing-feeling prompt!! Thank you. What’s your favorite podcast? As I write this at 4:34 a.m. EST, I hope you’re nestled in cozy, rejuvenating white sheet therapy. Cheers to transforming your red eye into a red thread 🧶Sweet dreams 💖🙏🏼✨

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Safe travels 💝🥂

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