Thanks again, Shiloh. This is a potently inspiring message that nourishes the many facets of my recent spiritual growth.

I listened to this again today on my way into work. What a beautiful message!! Since I’ve listened to your message a few times now, I want to share that each time I shed tears with you and sent you hugs and comfort as you speak of your mama.

Thank you for setting the dates and the invitation to council. Thank you for the scholarships you offer to participate in Musea classes. Thank you for offering intense initiations.

You have created your inclusive Sanctuary. The S in MUSEA is for Sanctuary. Is the i in iMusea for inclusive? 😉

I hear the message of the Cura. I have developed a new way of relating to my paintings in prayer and playfulness. And I realize I need to participate in the Red Madonna.

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I love Hildegard Von Bingen’s Canticles of Ecstasy and have it on my iTunes. Colin’s mom, Joke, turned me onto her.

Sweet dreams Shiloh!! 💖

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Make it plain 🙏🏼

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right? totally. phew.

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Shiloh, you’re right on. Thank you for your compassion

“How can anyone be awake and live?

Intentional Creativity to make our lives by hand with meaning, to navigate the suffering and to live. Integrate the suffering into our work so we are well enough to serve.”

Thank you 💖🙏🏼🧶

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thank you for getting it - and connecting here. I truly appreciate you

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I have also listened to this three times. Because, there is a music to this message. And I wanted to try and catch the tune of it. To absorb the melody. It had deep resonance for me. There’s so much I could say but I don’t want to waste words. So I’m trying to find the key. To sense into it. Because it’s a feeling. All my life I’ve been looking for a church but never found one. Seven years ago I felt a deep loneliness which had nothing to do with who I was with. I’ve been following the crumbs ever since. Trying to find a place of recognition. I believe now, that it was the mother calling. The earth. The divine. It was like I was in the next valley on and I could sense her. I couldn’t continue on the same way. I had to get to her. Traverse the mountain. Bare foot and broke, if necessary! I would find a way. And here I am, still searching. Close, never seems close enough. I painted a muse of Clarity. That’s all that makes sense. All I seem to be able to do these days. What is plain and clear. Even when it doesn’t make sense to others. Or myself. And your message has helped me to realise that it is my not acting on what has been clear that has kept me stuck. No new messages coming through. The divine is waiting for me. And I need to say yes. And I also need a church where I can recognise myself. And feel like I belong. It’s not like any other church because what’s needed is something different. And I’m so excited for you to be creating this ceremonial field of love. This grand plan where mystics can roll. And time is more like a slow, deep breath of quiet than the frantic, fast paced, instantaneous urgency of world around us. At least that’s how I’m imaging it. Something that sends shivers down my spine. A deepening that cuts through all the noise. But I don’t know. And that’s also exciting. People often ask me how long I’ve been painting or to tell them a couple of specific things about this work. And I always answer a different question. Sometimes I refer them to The Ugly Duckling story and the point when the cygnet sees the swans flying overhead and nothing can ever be the same again. The essence of swan has come calling. It’s who I am. Not what I am. Or what I do. It’s in the fibre of my being. I understand the deal with the divine. For me, this is all part of it. When my beloved cat nearly died and we literally faced the portal together. As if we could pass through it together. I had the tools; the medicine in my basket, and something else shifted. I different kind of knowing. About time and connection to the divine. A different kind of faith. Everything feels like it’s shifting. I feel eternally grateful that there is connection, community and belonging. I might not know where I am or why I’m doing what I’m doing. But I know who I am now. In an intuitive way. A way that has meaning. The way I am called. The mystical way. And that makes all the difference. Thank you for opening up the door and inviting me to walk through. I don’t know what’s on the other side and in a way, when most things do matter, I don’t feel like that does. All I know, deep in my heart, is that it’s the right door. At least it is for me ♥️

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I hear you Sistar.

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Thank you for hearing me. Truly.

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So loud and clear, my dear.

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