Tea with the Muse
Tea with the Muse
❤️ Woman. Sister. Friend. You really have been through so much…
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -9:02

❤️ Woman. Sister. Friend. You really have been through so much…

Spontaneous blessing for you today

Rancho La Puerta in Mexico

Dear Ones,

This is a spontaneous blessings for the women after a week at Rancho LaPuerta.

Shiloh Sophia

Woman, sister, friend,

you really have been through so much.

You complete a cycle of initiation

and a new one begins.

I am walking in a storm in the dark.

A crossroads appears out of nowhere for me,

and for you.

When you thought you were nearing your destination

a new journey opens.

It's like a labyrinth. It seems to go on and on.

Always looking to reach the center.

Then as soon as you have arrived,

making our way back out

crossing other people on the path

Hopefully when you return to your life,

you know the place you came from,

newly, for the first time.

Because after all, it is your life.

And returning over and over and over

to your same life with different eyes

This is life.

Breathe with me.

As you breathe in, acknowledge,

I am a sacred being, as you breathe out,

all beings are sacred.

Breathing in, I am a sacred being.

Pausing and breathing out, all beings are sacred.

Breathing in, I am a sacred being.

Breathing out, all beings are sacred.

Woman, Sister, Friend,

I can't really imagine all the things

that have shaped you into who you are.

You really have been through so much.

But right in this moment,

I just want to acknowledge you

for making it this far.

There were times you thought you wouldn’t

and I want to say to you that in this very now

in this now-ness, in this sacred exchange,

right here between me and you,

there's a shared field of supportive love and presence.

The colorful weaving of threads,

a fabric shawl woven to place gently about your shoulders.

While I can't see you with my human eyes,

I see you with the eyes of another woman.

The sacred in me bows to the sacred in you.

I walk around these stones in a storm

I place my hands on the flashing mica.

The rain comes and kisses my hands

and I have this wish that you were with me

I think of how we are earth, earthing,

I think of how we are this stardest, starring

in our own lives, perhaps not quite as glamourously

as we once may have dreamed

but we are still Star Girls, aren’t we?

We are cooling sacks of stars.

Woman, sister, friend,

this whole thing is an initiation!

I don’t have to tell you that,

because you already know

but it is good to be reminded.

I know, as sure as I know anything,

this it isn't exactly as you dreamed

and maybe not what you wanted

or how you thought it would go.

And like me you wonder and worry about

things like trust, about health,

about prosperity, longevity

about the state of the world

and your house

and the health of your children

and your children’s children.

We wake up wondering,

how did we get here?

We wake up worrying

What can I fix today?

I walk around the stones.

One cowgirls boot in front of the other.

I come face to face with to a giant Grandmother Oak.

I place my hands upon that mossy bark and I say,

thank you for helping me breathe.

I want to breathe with you.

Breathing in, I am a sacred being.

Breathing out, You are a sacred being.

Right in this moment

there is a sacred exchange

of energy flowing between us

that lets us know

we are so much more than enough.

Let us drop the ayers of imposed

unworthiness that we took on

without even knowing it.

Outdated patterns that serve no one,

Be gone!

Let me just assure you now, you ARE worthy.

Your worthiness is innate, no one

can give it to you and no one can take it from you.

May the voice within you that has been hard on you

be catalyzed into fierce wisdom and discernment

and sharpened as a tool with your mind.

You have honed over many years

of witnessing what was safe and what wasn't,

it tried to protect you but now it’s too hard on you.

What if your our inner voice could starts to show you

how and when to protect yourself, without hardening yourself.

Oooh. That is the riddle for women, isn't it?

How do we not harden ourselves as we guard ourselves?

Walking alone at night in this

village of wisdom-keepers and healers

I have no fear and I recognize

this is a rare feeling.

I know you know.

Yet right now, there's a field around us

a softening into love.

My bubble of love bounces up to your bubble of love

and says, Hello Friend!

I affirm you, you are so much more than enough!

And you are so worthy of all the love you have to give.

The reality that you even exist is a radiant miracle to me!

I bow at the feet of Mother Life for you at this tree.

Let us pause and let all the beauty come into us

and let all the beauty we choose to express

flow out from us.

This is a sacred exchange of energy

into the matter-based beings that we are.

Between us and all creation

to all the directions, all the elements,

ahhhh…you are sacred beings and we are sacred beings

with you.

Woman, sister, friend, I choose each step around this circle

of stones and I raise my hands up to the sky

stars shining through rain and

I say to the whole universe,

I remember you! And I do.

Woman, sister, friend,

let us remember one another and reach,

across those crossroads for one another's hands.

I feel your heart beating in mine.

This red thread extending

The song of ancestors moves in these circles of stones.

Shiloh Sophia

For the women at Wisdom-Keepers week at Rancho LaPuerta

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