Hello Everyone,
It’s Shiloh Sophia on a lovely Saturday morning. I am working on the draft manual for our only new training this year, Animystica. When I am designing new curriculum it feels like an extreme sport - my heart races, my body is filled with life and there is this curious precious pressure that moves me forward. It is a calling.
If you are called to work with me over the next year on a training delivered in real time - this is it. Come see, and then choose if you want to apply and then book an appointment with me one-on-one next week. That’s it!
So if you are called to the healing arts, to medicine painting, and to the path of a healer through self-expression and leadership - this is the thing.
See you in the next circle,
Shiloh Sophia
There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening, that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique.
Martha Graham
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