A Vigil to Honor My Father
The Greening Side of Things
When I think of you
it is always the deepest color of green
Not the green that the sun kisses
to make it glow with light
The green on the underside of the leaf
where the spider dwells
The dark under the log
where the salamander sleeps
The green on the inside of a tree
where only the elvin ones can see
Once, once I told you
you went wrong
when you should have gone right
You are a poet like my mother
not an outlaw for a Pa
You were a mystic gone wrong
and finally you took the wrong turn
for the l last time
What were you feeling
in those last moments?
I hope it was a burst of joy
the one you always left this world to seek
I hope you saw the colored lights
the ancients send out as beacons to the lost
But then perhaps you never lost your way
instead honored your broken
and beautiful greening way.
I think of you often,
with neither anger or regret
and most days
I just wish I could have shown you
that I see the magic too
You weren’t the one who showed me
but I always knew you saw it too
One day you came to my house
for breakfast unannounced
I had prepared a quiche and as you
sat to eat in silence – you said
This is what I really really needed
and I just didn’t know it.
Thank you.
I hoped you would see in me
all you hoped I would become
but you never said
You just told me you prayed for me
and I also – pray for you.
I would like to think on you as ancestor
but when I reach in the spaces between
it is only the greening I see
not the identity that was you
You have returned to the soil
and I will honor you here in green dirt
with the passing of each season.
Rest well father of the greening
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